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Coaching Services

I offer two main services to my clients based on what they are working to achieve, the details of these can be found here

Fit For Life

My Fit For Life programme is designed to help you be fit for the life you want to live, we will work on together on your fitness, health and wellbeing by getting you moving more, following a training plan designed around your goals, follow a nutrition plan that incudes all the foods you enjoy, gives you the energy you ned for daily activities and helps you achieve your goals, work on your mindset by looking at the habits and behaviours that have created who you are today and how these need to change to give you the life you want to live.



Fit to Run Coaching

I offer two options for run coaching, either online only or a hybrid option.

Both options include a bespoke plan designed for you to archive your running goals, strength training plan and nutrition advice to support your running.

The hybrid option includes in person training sessions which can be a mix of strength training with me in my private studio in Lightwater or running based sessions in the local area.

I work with runners from beginners right through to people training for specific events or to archive personal bests.

As a qualified England Athletics Endurance Coach I bring a wealth of knowledge and experience from my own training and racing over the yeatrs

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